I have been watching news channel after coming back from office and I got astonished to see how the present government is staying aloof till today even after war veterans like Colonel Pushpendra Singh, Habildar Major Singh, Nayek Uday Singh Rawat got dehydrated after 8-10 days fasting and when they were being called by the doctors to get hospitalized, they refused to do so as they were reluctant to surrender until the government is going to do something to meet their needs….One Rank One Pension. In short , we call it OROP. It has been storming all over the news channels recently.My question is what is recurring cost of electoral populism? How come you get the money for the vote bank politics but not for the war veterans? Is it not just unfair that you pledge 1 billion credit to a small country like Mongolia, you give 1.25 crore package to Bihar for the purpose of votebank politics ,but unable to invest some amount of money in implementing OROP scheme. What is the reason that money falls short for OROP? Is it not pathetic ? War veterans risk their lives for the protection of the honor of their country and what will out future generation learn if they are being treated like this? Then why Honorable Prime Minister did announce in an election rally at Rewari, Haryana that he would be going to implement OROP after coming to the power?

Time has come for the government of India to answer all these questions. Because we people elected them so that they could protect our interests and represent us in the Parliament . Billions of people of India had casted their vote in favor of NaMo Government so it is their responsibility to do their duty, not to hide the face in the shadow. War veterans from all over the India has been holding protest rally . Mizoram Ex- Service League held protest rally at Aizawl, 500 War veterans help rally in Chennai. How long will they have to wait for the justice to be done to them? It’s time to implement Koshyari Commission’s proposal

Soham Roy
Editorial Board Member of Cross Functional Business Journal and Academic Project Consultant and Trainer
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